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Wise Hire is a proven software tool to help you make smarter hiring decisions. Hiring the right people helps unlock your organizational productivity by keeping the sand out of the organizational gear box. Better hiring decisions keeps your agency running like a well-oiled machine.
The Wise Hire tool assesses a job candidate's technical skills, creativity, and character. The candidate simply completes an online assessment. A color-coded Summary Report is provided to you with the candidates scores in high, medium, and low impact trait categories. You will immediately know if the job candidate is low, medium or high match for the job classification you need to fill.

In addition to the Summary Report, you will receive an in-depth Descriptive review of the assessment's results. Also, a detailed interview guide tailored to the candidate and the job is provided.
Our certified Human Resource Specialists have done the heavy lifting for your agency. After interviewing thousands of housing agency staff and supervisors, our HR Specialists have defined the key characteristics in over sixty (60) housing agency job classifications. These include common positions in Public Housing, Section 8, Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD), as well as, other programs and administrative jobs.
So, you benefit with Fast Turnaround and Accurate Results for a better hiring decision.